Lewis Memorial United Methodist Church has provided sanctuary at the crossroads and hope beyond for over 120 years.
Our History
Founders Mr. & Mrs. William Ellis Lewis
Lewis Memorial UMC began around 1900, as Sardis, founded by Mrs. William Ellis Lewis. Mr. William Ellis Lewis donated the land for the church as well as the materials to build the first sanctuary. Mr. Lewis, his farm laborers, and others gave their time and effort to construct the church. In 1912, a tornado struck the community and nearly demolished the church. The men of the church, under the leadership of Ellis Lewis, repaired and braced the damaged structure which was used until 1919 when it was torn down to make way for the sanctuary now being used as our Historic Chapel.
In 1947, by unanimous acclamation, the Quarterly Conference decided to change the church name to Lewis Memorial Methodist Church in honor and in memory of Ellis and Lou Lewis, founders, and benefactors of the church. The land was purchased from Mr. John P. Lewis (son of the founders) for a parsonage which was constructed behind the church in May 1975. In 1983, again land was purchased from the family of John Lewis to build a new and larger Fellowship Hall, which was completed in 1985. This was the first step of a building program that included a new church building and eventually new education buildings.
In 1991, under the guidance of the Rev. Pierce Norman, construction of a new sanctuary was completed with a Consecration Service being held in November. As the church membership continued to grow, there was a desperate need for additional space for Sunday school classes and recreational areas. In July 1995, the church bought the property from the John and Inez Lewis Estate to be used for further expansion. In September 1998, construction began on the Education Building which was completed and dedicated in May 1999.
In the year 2000, Lewis Memorial celebrated 100 years of service and commitment to God and His people in the Lewiston Community. Also, in June 2000, Dr. Al Vom Steer, President of The Mission Society in Norcross, GA, dedicated the parsonage to be used as a home for missionaries itinerating and on furlough and it became the Lewis Memorial United Methodist Church Mission House.
Additional land was purchased, and in 2003 a third worship service was added and a new building was constructed for contemporary worship, known as The Warehouse. In 2011, a new youth building was constructed and was dedicated shortly thereafter.
Over the past 10 years, Lewis continues to seek to be faithful stewards of the buildings and more importantly, the community that God has blessed us with.
In 2021, Lewis Memorial entered a missional partnership with Marvin United Methodist Church and continues to share a pastor with their new sister church. Thanks be to God for His provision and favor on Lewis Memorial United Methodist Church. Building on a rich and faithful heritage, the membership continues to look forward to the future with faith in God and witness to his everlasting love.
We welcome you to come be a part of God’s unfolding plan with Lewis Memorial United Methodist Church!