Adult Formation
Growing Christians
55+ men and women who do different group studies throughout the year. We are currently studying the book of Luke. The class meets Sundays at 8:45 am in Room 407. CLICK HERE for more information.
Rekindled Disciples
Men and women in their 50s and up who use six-lesson outreach studies to apply Jesus' teachings today, so we live out daily with our neighbors His message of unconditional love, compassion, and social justice. Gatherings are Sundays at 8:45 am in Room 403. CLICK HERE for more information.
Disciples for Life
Disciples for Life is our online Realm Bible Study. We meet and interact asynchronously throughout the week using online tools. CLICK HERE if you would like to join this digital discipleship group.
United Methodist Men
Our United Methodist Men are an intergenerational group of men from Lewis Memorial UMC and our sister church Marvin UMC who gather for fellowship events, food, and devotionals monthly. Make plans to join us every third Saturday of the month for breakfast! CLICK HERE for more information.
Sisters in Christ
Women primarily 55+ years old who meet every Tuesday at 1:00 pm in Room 403. We are currently studying “Bad Girls of the Bible: Eve.” All are welcome! CLICK HERE for more information.
United Methodist Women
Our United Methodist Women are an intergenerational group of women who gather for fellowship, faith-building, and food every third Tuesday at 5:00 pm. All women of the church, young and old, are part of this group, and we would love to have you join! CLICK HERE for more information.
Christ, Coffee, and Companions
Women at all stages of life who want Christ-centered companions to journey alongside. We meet every other week on Wednesday evenings at 7:00 pm at various restaurants and coffee shops around Columbia County. CLICK HERE for more information.
Young at Heart
55+ men and women who meet every second Thursday at 11:00 am in the Fellowship Hall for lunch, fellowship, an informational program or entertainment, and Bingo. Reservations are $10. We’d love to see you there! Please call the church office at (706) 863-6795 or CLICK HERE with questions.