NOW Team
We are better together!
LMUMC Mission Statement
Make and Grow Disciples of Jesus Christ
for the Transformation of the World!!
LMUMC Vision Statement
Providing God's Sanctuary at the Crossroads
and Giving Hope Beyond
LMUMC Strategic Imperatives
The worship of God | The equipping of disciples | Serving our community | Fostering a loving and welcoming fellowship
Purpose of NOW Team Meetings
Collaborating and Team Building | Planning and
Calendaring | Visioning | Reporting to GOV Team
Member Expectations
Complete the ministry report ahead of the meeting (The Monday before the meeting is ideal); give the team lead time for questions
Read any documentation on Realm and ask questions before the meeting
Come to the meeting prepared
Listen respectfully and be honest with each other
Provide solutions to problems
Watch Realm for changes in the meeting schedule, if any.
Please feel free to bring a snack supper due to the meeting time.